

Our research was covered by mainstream media and popular blogs:

Media landscape in Twitter (ICWSM 2011) is covered by:
How Twitter Could Unleash World Peace (Businessweek)

Measuring user influence in Twitter (ICWSM 2010) is covered by:
The Million Follower Fallacy: Audience Size Doesn't Prove Influence on Twitter (ReadWriteWeb and The New York Times)
On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence (Harvard Business Review)
Size Doesn't Matter: Why Ebert Beats Oprah on Twitter (TheWrap)
Live phone interview with Fabricio Benevenuto (MTV News in Brazil)
TV interview with Meeyoung Cha (Science TV in Korea)
KAIST president highlights Meeyoung Cha and her research (Seoul SinMun in Korea).

Inferring user profiles in online social networks (WSDM 2010) is covered by:
Privacy: Facebook's Achilles Heel (CNET News)
On Facebook, You Are Who You Know (Miller-McCune)
On Social Networks, You are Who You Know (Slashdot)

Exploiting social networks for Internet search (HotNets 2006) is covered by:
Web searches benefit from some human help (New Scientist)
Suchen im Netz der Nutzer (MIT Technology Review, Germany)
Web hits from my PeerSpective (New Scientist)

The Echo of Digital Tweets (MaxPlanck Research, Germany).


Saptarshi Ghosh is awarded a Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
July 2014

Mainack Mondal, Bimal Viswanath and Krishna Gummadi, along with their co-authors win SOUPS distinguished paper award
July 2014

Juhi Kulshrestha receives Google Anita Borg Scholarship
May 2013

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil wins WWW best paper award
May 2013